Are You Sick? Diagnosed with A Disease? Suffering from Bodily Injury?
Experience The Healing Power of Jesus!
Miracle Healing Crusade in Corpus Christi, TX | Sept 22nd & 23rd

The Bible teaches that when we lay hands on the sick, they will recover.
This is a powerful time of God’s demonstration of His Love for mankind. The truth is that God does care about our physical bodies, and when we come to Him in faith, He will heal us.
God continues to amaze us with powerful, visible demonstrations of His power.
We possess no ability to perform healings, but with faith in Jesus Christ through His blood, we can be instruments of God’s power to deliver mankind.
“…..Lay hands on the sick and they SHALL RECOVER.” -Mark 16:18
Miracle Healing Crusade in Corpus Christi, TX | Sept 22nd & 23rd
Are You Sick? Diagnosed with A Disease? Suffering from Bodily Injury?
2nd Annual Healing Crusade in Corpus Christi, TX. Hosted by The Door Church. Sept 22nd and 23rd at the Cole Park Amphitheater. Friday and Saturday night at 7pm.
Experience The Healing Power of Jesus!
Call 361.460.8173 for more information.